Company Info. VINCENT MOTORS, established from 1980 The most respectable automobile trading company in Hong Kong What you can only get is the valuable automobiles in good price plus satisfactory serv


Nautica RIBs, the largest RIBs manufacture in US. Venture 14 Year:2010 Engine: Mercury 60hp 4-stoke Length: 4.08M Bean: 2m Weight:200kg Option: Foam Teak Deck, Lift Harness Retail Price: HKD 226,000

本公司專營康樂園、大埔豪宅及舖位十數載,客多盤齊,業務範圍包括一、 二手買賣及租務,另代辦大型裝修及設計,信譽超著。

--> 英文名列表如下...... 勝出時請講明要邊款^^ 2.... Tracy 3.... Richard 4.... Ada 5.... Pat 6.... Brian 7.... Edmund 8.... Leslie 9.... Stephen 10.... Nancy 11.... Christine 12.... Felix 13.... Doris 14.... Francis

主席 曹玉麒先生 Mr. Carlos Y.K. Cho Chairman Directors : Mr. Rudolf Greiner Mr. Edmund C.W. Lo Mr. Maurice C. Fung Mr. Vincent W.M. Cho WP Holdings Limited WP Holdings Limited was founded in 1980 by Mr. Car
W物業地產 / 物業管理服務WP Holdings Limited
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